Christopher Cutter - Photo

Chris Cutter
Block Bridge Capital

Christopher Cutter has dedicated over ten years to high growth technology startups and emerging markets. Now as Partner at Block Bridge Capital, Cutter has helped create a hedge fund composed solely of digital assets. After a successful exit from his previous technology company, Cutter has diverted his sole focus to high finance and the emergence of blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

In addition to his leading role at Block Bridge Capital, Cutter also serves as a partner at another Ohio based company, Society Brands. Society Brands completed a 200 million dollar capital raise at the beginning of 2022 and is a rapidly growing mergers and acquisitions company in the Amazon Aggregator space.

Prior to Block Bridge Capital, Cutter helped Senator Kirk Schuring champion the Innovation District Bill throughout Ohio. Subsequently, Cutter created a non-profit StartupSTARK, whose mission is to provide guidance on startup communities, create shared ideation workspaces, and foster relationships between organizations for the good of Ohio entrepreneurs. Chris also serves on the Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates Board.